Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I am basically awful at updating this. I apologize for that, but I don't really know how to explain this trip more than the basic details as I am still trying to process what is going on.

But I have arrived in Kigali, the last part of my trip before I go back to Gulu. The family I am staying with is pretty nice. I was hoping to upgrade from the bit latrine, but alas it was a no go. But the good news is that I am staying with my Gulu homestay and they just got indoor plumbing so that will be good.

One of the guys on my trip went home yesterday. He has been sick since the first weekend in Gulu and apparently has two bacterial and a fungal infection in his small intestine. It was really weird to have him leave. The group is definetly not the same without him. It also makes it so real that I am leaving soon too. I guess not "soon" seeing as I have a month and a half left, but the first two months have gone so quickly that I am sure in the blink of an eye I am going to be standing in the middle of the cone circle unloading the precious day campers from their cars.

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